Controls are arrow keys and space bar.

Game is very bare bones, ran outta time

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TRASH TREK V2 | Feedback Form

Game synopsis:

A 2D platformer with visual novel elements where players control a young traveller on a mission to collect the pieces needed to create a legendary recycling machine and help combat the issue of trash piling up in her old-fashioned/behind the times homeland. The player will navigate through levels in different lands, forest, beach, mountain, etc using simple walking, jumping and shooting mechanics to find the missing piece at the end of the level. She will lose one of five hearts when hit by an enemy and the level will restart once she loses all her hearts. There will be an item in the levels that the player can collect to regain a heart. In-between each level, there will be a scene where the player can interact with the NPC for each land that provides information on environmental awareness etc, in a visual novel style. At the end of the game the player will have collected all the pieces, gained insight on the world’s environmental issues and helped save their homeland.

The main goal is for the player to collect all the missing pieces of the legendary recycling machine scattered across various lands. Each piece is located at the end of a level in a different land (forest, desert, mountain, etc.).

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